By Terri BilleisenAlthough a few sites saw Annual Bluegrass Weevil (ABW) adults in soap flushes in late February (so early!) this year, activity has been very quiet... |Turffiles
By Terri Billeisen Recognize these guys? Over the past several years, mole crickets have become a serious turf pest in the eastern and southern parts of the... |Turffiles
By Terri BilleisenRecognize these giant flying insects around your porch lights at night? Although commonly mistaken for mosquitoes, they are crane flies and although the larvae can... |Turffiles
By Terri BilleisenThis spring has been a warm one and the NPN Visualization Tool (below) shows just how warm. If forecasts are accurate, we will be 25... |Turffiles
By Terri BilleisenAlthough temperatures have gotten considerably cooler in the last week, don’t be fooled into thinking fire ants are done for this year! A quick search... |NC State, Turffiles
By Terri BilleisenNoticing large (>1/2 in), dark wasps hovering in and around the turf canopy the last few weeks (see video)? It’s likely that they are scoliid...