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Seeing “whiteflies” in your lawn?

In the last several weeks, we have had a few inquiries regarding “whiteflies” in and around home lawns. These insects have been described as invisible...

Green June beetle Alert!

Although they have been buzzing around outside my apartment complex for the last week or so (see video), numbers of Green June beetle adults have...

Chinch Bugs Have Arrived

It has been a fairly hot, dry July and as a result, we are finding high numbers of chinch bugs in the Wake Co. area....

Fall Armyworms in June?!?

We have heard reports of fall armyworm egg masses around homes and buildings in Charlotte, NC. While the timing is earlier than usual (armyworms typically...

Zoysiagrass Mite Alert!

In the past week, we have received multiple turf samples showing symptoms of zoysiagrass mite damage. Mite feeding causes the leaf to roll in on...

Crane Fly Alert!

Look familiar? We are seeing a lot of crane flies this time of year and although commonly mistaken for mosquitoes, they do not rely on...