By Terri Billeisen Once again, it’s time for ABW season. We have been monitoring sites in western NC since the beginning of February. Adult numbers have been... |NC State, Turffiles
By Terri BilleisenThis has been an exceptionally busy year for fall armyworms so far and reports of damage are more numerous and widespread than what we have... |Turffiles
By Terri BilleisenMay is usually our craziest time for ABW activity, both in terms of adults and larval damage. This year, despite the crazy weather fluctuations, will... |Turffiles
By Terri BilleisenAlthough a few sites saw Annual Bluegrass Weevil (ABW) adults in soap flushes in late February (so early!) this year, activity has been very quiet... |NC State, Turffiles
By Terri BilleisenLook familiar? We are seeing a lot of crane flies this time of year and although commonly mistaken for mosquitoes, they do not rely on... |NC State